This rock opera series has episodes under the titles HELLO WORLD and YELLO WORLD. Theseus at first believes that his mission is to slay a Monster. By the end, Theseus realizes that the Minotaur is our guardian angel — a wake-up call to save our Earth and Ocean heritage.

In this serialized rock opera the Minotaur comes back, not as a Monster, but as a guardian angel with a serious warning.
YELLO WORLD is the first episode of a serialized rock opera that was originally titled THE END OF THE WORLD, a message without hope.

The title became HELLO WORLD, optimistically calling on technology and innovation to rush to the rescue.

After the great fires of 2020, the title became YELLO WORLD because this rock opera is not about THE END – hopeless – nor the learner’s new optimistic message – HELLO.
A yellow warning signal calls us to wake up to the reality of our YELLO WORLD — to find ways to “make media actionable.”

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